Latest projects

I love making stuff, all kinds of things. This is what I've been up to recently. 💃

  1. The final sweater being worn

    Fluffy black Novice Sweater

  2. I made a sleeveless shirt for summer

  3. Zero waste shorts

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Zero waste sewing

I'm quite fascinated with zero waste sewing patterns. I only recently discovered that there are people all over the internet who hate them with a passion. 🤷‍♀️

  1. Zero waste shorts

  2. Zero waste maxi skirt

  3. Zero/minimal waste trousers

  4. I sewed a whole shirt dress by hand 🪡

  5. Hand-stitched zero waste hoodie

  6. Zero waste project 27: pyjama top ❄️

See all zero waste projects →

Hinerangi smiling

Kia ora.

I'm Hinerangi, welcome to my little corner of the internet.

This is some sort of online notebook where I document my creative projects. I'm smiling in the photo but I tend to look more gremlin-like during the failing stages of every project lol. 👹