Latest projects
I love making stuff, all kinds of things. This is what I've been up to recently. 💃
Latest tutorials
Sometimes I learn how to do things and then a few minutes later I forget how to do it. That's what these are for. 🫠
Zero waste sewing
I'm quite fascinated with zero waste sewing patterns. I only recently discovered that there are people all over the internet who hate them with a passion. 🤷♀️
Browse by tag
I'm not great at organising things (you should see my desk lol), but these tags are a serious attempt to do so. 🙈

Kia ora.
I'm Hinerangi, welcome to my little corner of the internet.
This is some sort of online notebook where I document my creative projects. I'm smiling in the photo but I tend to look more gremlin-like during the failing stages of every project lol. 👹